Wednesday, July 29, 2015

Our little Masters Graduate!

Today, our little Caroline graduated from Kennesaw State University with a Master's Degree in Elementary Education with honors (so smart)!

{Future in-laws}


Tuesday, July 14, 2015

3 Years Married!

July 14, 2012

Today marks 3 young years of being married to my very best friend, Richard! Since I've been on summer break I have to admit I've been watching a lot of mindless TV in the morning- mainly the Today Show. They have been making a point about being your happiest and writing down 3 positive things a day to make you feel better. I though it was an awesome idea and wanted to apply it to today's post since this blog is about happy things- an escape from every day life. I also thought it would be an awesome way to look back and see what Richard and I were happy about in our marriage and how much things may change from year to year.  

* We love sitting on our back patio at dusk during the summer time during the work week when no one else it out, going for long walks by the river with Addie, eating Mexican EVERY Friday night, lazy nights on the sofa as the "3" of us watch TV, sleeping in on Saturdays, Sunday morning church followed by brunch, decorating our home, trying new restaurants, traveling the world (Europe) together, doing any type of yard work, hosting dinners at our home, eating al fresco at any restaurant- especially if there's a view, going to Auburn football games, being with our best friends and family, but most of all just being with each other!

Saturday, July 4, 2015

Happy 4th of July

Happy Birthday 239th birthday America and a BIG thank you to all those who serve and protect us every day!

This July 4th, 2015 was a lot of fun since Richard has been working a TON and really haven't seen him too much, but thankfully he had the Friday before the Fourth off!  That Friday we went out to lunch with Cole and Ashley to the General Muir- been there 4 times and still love it!

4:30 a.m. was an early start to Saturday morning, but Richard, Caroline and I woke up and headed to the '15 AJC Peachtree Road Race. This was Caroline's first time running, but it was very different to last years race. Richard was once again an early starter in the race, but Caroline and I started the same time. The second they released our group it began to pour and actually had a few flashes of lighting, but it continued to pour the entire time as we ran and jumped over "rivers" flowing down the street. It was a little more difficult but still fun.

{Happy we finished but soaked}

{Addie was excited everyone was coming over for dinner}

Richard and I hosted this years festivities- we just LOVE having people to our house! Everyone arrived around 6:00 p.m. but Leslie came over two hours earlier to help teach me how to make fried chicken! It is so good- it's like dessert. 

{Everyone enjoying drinks and grilled artichokes}

{Annual flag cake}

The next day Brook and Adam had a few people over to their home to celebrate Duke's 1st birthday! It was a sweet celebration and so much fun watching Brook and Adam as parents. 

Happy 1st Birthday, Duke!