Monday, December 19, 2016

4 Months of Life!

Height + Weight: 24" (50th percentile) & 12 lbs. 8oz (25th percentile).

Milestones: You rolled over from your back to your belly for the first time at exactly 4:55 p.m. on December 16, just three short days before turning 4 months old. Sadly, I missed it because I was preparing your bottle but heard you making a different noise on the floor. When I ran over, I saw you perfectly laying flat on your belly with your head up. Thankfully, you did it again right away! The very next day, December 17, you tried rice cereal for the very first time at 8:30 a.m., just an hour after your morning bottle. You were really not a fan at all and had no idea what we were wanting you to do.  I tried one more day of rice cereal, but even though your pediatrician said you were old enough, I still feel like you're not quite ready and will be holding out until you turn 5 months old.  Not as exciting, but you officially moved up to the size 2 diapers. Last but not least, your MOST IMPORTANT milestone was accomplished at almost 15 weeks old when you stopped your 3:30 a.m. feed as we went off your cues. The main cue was when you kept waking up at 3:30 but really wouldn't eat more then 3 ounces max (that was on a good night). I quickly realized after a couple more days of this, waking up was more of a habit and not a true wake of hunger. Your dad an I re-read MOC and decided to implement their sleep tactic and let you "cry it out." I'm still not 100% sure the book it written clearly, but we did what it said, and we did NOT enter the room at all until the normal wake time, 7:00 a.m. (This was by far the hardest thing I have done yet!) Hearing you cry was truly agonizing. You started crying around 3:30, but you stopped after about 40 minutes. Then you woke again around 4 or 5 and cried about 40 minutes again for the final time. Then my alarm for 6:55 a.m went off, and I hurried into your room, but your were preciously asleep. I obviously watched you all night from the video monitor, but I still was so upset with myself the entire next day. I felt as though I abandoned you...the guilt I felt was like a weight was on my chest and kept thinking that I was too hard on you for being so young.  So, when Dad got home that night, I told him we were not going to wait longer than 30 minutes of crying to go in and soothe you, BUT surprisingly enough...the next night 11/29/16, you slept completely through without waking once! That's all it took was ONE night. 

Likes: The last week of being three months old, you have now started grabbing for things that are not your toys or even anything colorful or exciting. You now grab for the blinds, our Fiddle Fig tree, the Christmas tree (that is obviously bright and colorful with all the ornaments and lights), but most of all you loved to grab anything that I am wearing while I hold you, even my hair! Some small likes of yours are to move around like a little inchworm, you honestly spin in circles.  You love taking your paci out of your mouth and figuring out how to put it back. Most the time you don't get it in your mouth and you settle for the non-nipple part (so cute). You love the Disney Jr. channel, especially the Mickey Mouse Club House - you giggle every time it comes on. And to end with one of my favorite likes is your skin. It is indescribable, but your back and stomach are the smoothest parts...I just love how sweet and innocent it is. 

Dislikes: Your biggest dislike this month was when you became a little congested! You had the saddest little face when you would wake up because you had a hard time breathing, and it made you sneeze a lot more too. You still dislike eating, but we now have you eating 5-6 ounces at each meal (5 times a day). 

Fun Stuff & Firsts: One of our biggest firsts was your first overnight trip to Adam & Brook's family cabin in Ellijay, GA. Everything about the trip was so fun from your first fire and fall chill. It really was a great night and two days.  You also experienced you first Thanksgiving with the entire family at our home, as well as shopping for Thanksgiving dinner. The first weekend in December we went and bought your first Christmas tree. This month you also met Karen Reinkemeyer who just adored you!!! You also walked the Beltline with me, Mary and Emily. And lastly, you started sucking your thumb for the first time after your afternoon nap on Friday, December 2. 

Your daily schedule (MOC)prior to sleeping through the night:

7:00 a.m. (wake, feed 5 oz, and play)
8:30 (nap in crib 1- 1 1/2 hrs)
10:30 ( wake, feed 5-6 oz and play)
12:00 p.m. - 2:00 p.m. (nap in crib 2hrs)
2:00 (wake, feed 5-6oz, and play)
3:00 (nap in crib 1- 1 1/2)
5:00 (feed 4-5oz)
6:00 (cat nap in baby swing)
7:30 (bath)
8:00 (feed 6oz- sleep follows)
2-4:00 a.m. (you would wake anytime between then to eat 2-3oz)