Sunday, February 19, 2017

6 Months of Life!

Height + Weight: 26.5" (75% percentile) and 15lb. 2oz. (25th percentile)

Milestones: You cut your first tooth on January 30, 2017! I didn't notice the little tooth (bottom left) until 1:30 p.m.  but once I did, I could help but tear up as I realized you are no longer my baby with the sweet gummy smile. Then you cut the other bottom tooth (the right once) on February 10. You had been a big drooler for for several weeks leading up to it, so we knew it would be popping up soon.  

Likes:  You have many likes from your small toys, dolls, paci, to your jumper(s) that I will have to do a break down of your favorite things from 0-6 months. However,  my favorite part of the day is when I go to get the day started but you're already awake in your crib, but when I go in for the first time and you hear me enter, you immediately lift up your little head and peak over the bumper to see me. When you do, you laugh/ giggle and fall over with the biggest smile on your face. You favorite sound(s) to make are the ba-ba- bas, especially when you put your hand to your mouth and pull it away as hear yourself make different pitches of the noise.  

Dislikes: This past month you biggest dislike was the 6 month doctor visit to get your shots. You always do very well as they are examining you and even did very well during your eye test, but this time around, you cried so loud and so hard for an extended period of time that you couldn't catch you breath once you got them. I'm not sure if you were just more aware of what's going on or if the flu shot sent you over the edge, but Caroline and I felt so bad for you and you big tears. 

Fun Stuff & Firsts:  Towards the end of your sixth month, I noticed the biggest difference in our lives. You are 100% more predictable, well almost 100%, but you were also able to self-entertain and know how to laugh and interact so much more. Since Georgia had such a warm February, we were able to be outside much more, which helped bring out your personality as you found your love for the outdoors! During those warm days, you went to Chastain Park for the first with Courtney, baby Blake,  Emily & baby Edwards.  We (your dad and me) may have been a little late with this move, but we officially moved your monitor out of your crib on February 2 because you rolled to the corner of your crib and tried to eat it during a nap time (pure panic when I heard the noises through the monitor). Your biggest feeding was of 11 oz on 2/17 before your bedtime (wow!) You also have been eating baby food at 8:30 a.m. This is usually done at this time of the day as you sit you in your Joovy and I turn on Disney music. You love to be given your sippy cup ( you even reach for it) and play with your food.  

Baby food(s):

1/19- Pears
1/23- Sweet Potatoes
1/28- Bananas
2/7- Squash
2/14- Green beans (only once)

A normal day looks like this:
7:30 am (wake and eat 7 oz)
8-9 (play) * may give a 1/2 ounce of pureed food at 9:30am
9-10:30 (nap in crib)
10:30 (wake and eat 6oz)
11-12 (play)
12-1:30pm (nap in crib)
1:30 (wake and eat 6oz)
2-3 (play)
3-4:30 (nap in crib)
4:30 (wake and eat 6oz)
5-7 (play)
7- bath
7:30 (eat 8oz)
8:00pm (sleep until 7:30am)- on occasion will wake throughout the night. I try and let you cry it out for 10-15 minutes until you wont stop. You usually get upset when you wake from your sleep and can't find you paci. Some moments you sleep through the night but will wake around 6:45-7:00 a.m but will make you wait until 7:30 a.m before I feed you.


{Grammy's birthday brunch}

{Love Harper's Face}

{Trying her baby food}

{She loved her Valentine's outfit}

{Post bath sweetness}


{Some of your favorite things}

{One of my FAVORITE pictures}

{Tummy time with Addie}

{Mid- week lunch with Dad at Verde}

{Your Insta Picture}


{The worst cry I have heard you do}