Saturday, March 25, 2017

Old Edwards Inn

After being "new" parents for seven and half months, Richard and I decided to take a weekend for ourselves. I was extremely nervous to leave my sweet, baby Harper, but I knew we needed time alone with no schedule or early morning wake- up calls. With the Highlands only being a little over a two hour drive, we made our way to Old Edwards Inn. This hotel and spa was fabulous! It was the perfect place to do everything we wanted to do, RELAX! We spent our time exploring local waterfalls, taking in the small, quiet town as well as ate and enjoyed time together.  

{Right before we left town}


After checking in, we were escorted to our adorable room, which was located in the Historic Inn ( the property is very large and offers many different rooms or cabin options). We literally walked up one flight of stairs and turned to the corner room that had two balconies that overlooked the entire town.  

The first night we had a cocktail at the  Hummingbird Lounge and then made our way to the hotel's main restaurant, Madisons!  The food and service was delicious! 

The next day we slept in (missed breakfast), but slowly made our way to the hotel's spa for a couple massage. My goodness, the spa outdid itself for sure. Everything from the massage to the relaxing lunch at The Spa Cafe, we truly relaxed. That afternoon we decided walk the town, buy some cute things, and made a quick dive to the Dry Waterfall. It was gorgeous as the Highlands just had a heavy rain the day before we arrived. That night we had dinner off the property at Wild Thyme Gourmet and it was DELICIOUS!  Even though we didn't do much in terms of going and seeing things, but this weekend was exactly what we needed. Plus, I couldn't wait to get home and see my sweet Harper... oh, how I missed that sweet face.  



Sunday, March 19, 2017

7 Months of Life!

Height + Weight: Not sure- next appointment isn't until 9 months. 

Milestones:  We removed your changing table from downstairs and your dresser changing pad from you room at 6 1/2 months old as you became too mobile and rolling over like crazy. Because you're so mobile, you
 started the attempt to crawl. You do more over an army crawl at the moment, but you are very motivated to do it when you see an empty water bottle or remote control. 

My favorite moment of the month is when you're excited to eat your baby food and you open your little mouth like a baby bird as the spoon comes towards you.  To help you eat, I usually play music, sing to you and give you play rings that keep you entertained during the 15-20 minute process. Besides basic baby food, you love GoGo packs and Elsa Kitchen packs. I guess these companies really know how to mix certain foods together because you love them!  You also love your sippy cup and being able to hold it on your own as you are a fiercely independent little baby.  However, you now have let me hold you like a baby again in my arm when I feed you your bottle ( you stopped letting us do that for 2-3 months). You biggest like/ love lately is being able to touch your bedroom chandelier as your dad lifts you up towards it. You gasp for air in excitement and extend you little arm so far up to touch it yourself. 

Dislikes: Your biggest dislike this moment in time is being made to sit still. When it comes to changing your diapers, putting on your pjs, or even giving you a bath, you want to roll over and move from the position you are currently in. It is really like taming a wild animal. You still dislike being shown how to sit up on your own. Even though you can and have done it before, once you realize you're sitting up you slide back and want to roll over on your belly. 

Fun Stuff & Firsts:  I changed up your daily schedule around 10 days before you turned 7 months old. We did this because you were no longer wanting to eat your bottle at all! It was like something clicked inside of you and wanted a change! You also started to get tired earlier, which in turned to a fussy evening.  The other part of life I have changed for you was your baby food. I still consider each new food and day feeding you as a first (you're one tough cookie when it comes to food). This is an ever evolving process where one day you hate everything I do, so I panic and decide to attempt BLW (Baby Led Weaning) approach where you get "big" food, but then the next day I'll try baby food and you love it so I will make homemade food but still buy baby food and the baby food in the go-go packs to make sure you are happy.  Sadly, you had your first true cold of a terrible stuffy nose and watery eyes, but I give a HUGE THANK YOU to Nose Frida!!! 

Baby food(s):
2/21- Pumpkin
2/26- Avocado
3/1- Apples & Mum/ Mums (teething cookies)
3/6- Scrambled eggs
3/14- Baby yogurt
A normal day looks like this:
7:30 am (wake and eat 7 oz)
8-8:30 (play)
8:30 (baby food)- 1 TBL. baby oatmeal, peaches or another fruit. 
9-10:30 (nap in crib)
11:00 (eat 6 oz)
11:15- 12:00 (play)
12:00 pm (baby food) Mixture of veggies and fruits like sweet potatoes, avocados, pears, prunes, or I will give you a Go-Go or Ella's kitchen pack if we're on the go. 
12:30- 2:30 (nap in crib)
3:00 (eat 6oz) 
3:15- 4:00 (play)
4:00 (baby food) Mixture of fruits and veggies- biggest meal of the day
4:15- 5:00 (play)
5:00-5:30 (cat nap)- I sometimes let you sleep from 4:30- 5:30 if you didn't nap well today.
5:30- 7:00 (play)
7:00 (bath) Very, Very difficult since you wont sit and like to roll over.
7:30 (eat 9 oz)
8:00 pm (sleep for the night)

{Trying to see over your bumper}

{First time with BLW- Your attempt at a banana & eggs}

{Admiring yourself in the mirror}

{Your first sunglasses}


{You love the remote control}

{The sweetest, little face}


We just love & adore you, Harper Lorraine!