Saturday, August 19, 2017

12 Months of Life!

Height + Weight:  You are 28.25" tall and weigh 18lbs and 11oz (25% percentile for both)

Milestones: Your 1st birthday was celebrated on your actual birthday, which was a unbelievable party as our 40 closest family members and friends came to celebrate you at the floral themed party at our home. This month the biggest change was when you took your first steps, which quickly turned into walking on Wednesday, July 26 ( just a little over 11 months old). We actually caught it on video right after your dad got home from work. 

Likes: This has been such a fun month watching you grow and develop your big personality. You still LOVE both the cell phones and tv changers as well as your pink bear "Bear Bear". You actually love when we say, "Where is Bear Bear", because you get so excited when you find her! You are also the biggest lover of the outside. Anytime the door opens to the patio, you get up from whatever you are doing and come running. And what I find to be the best is your love for books. I always find you sitting down and "reading" your books. 

Dislikes: With your new, BIG personality, you very much dislike being told no. You have actually cried several times as you have said, "No", which is pretty funny to see. You also do not like being held as much or being strapped in the shopping carts. 

Fun Stuff & Firsts:  Now that you can walk, you have officially visited the playground by going down the slides with mom or dad and collecting as many wood chips and leaves as possible. You love bath time and to lay flat with your ears covered with water and kick like crazy. You have also found your love for music ( specifically Justin Timberlake) and love to dance immediately when any of his songs come on.  Even though you're not the biggest talker, you love to make all types of noises. Lastly, this month we went to Dillard's and bought your first pair of real shoes (Stride Rite) and had the house was professionally baby proofed since you try to get into everything.  

Baby food(s): This was one of the biggest transitions with food as MOC wanted you to drop two of your bottle feedings and add in a sippy with formula and a snack to replace the bottle. MOC recommends having formula in sippy at all times, but I felt like you were not getting enough water (which you love water). I would give you water throughout the day and at breakfast in your Munchkin 360 sippy cup and then give you 4oz. of formula at lunch and dinner in your Tommy Tippy sippy cup as that one didn't leak at all when you threw it. 

A normal day looks like this:
7:30 am (wake and eat 6 oz)
8-8:30 (play)
8:30 (breakfast)- Scrambled eggs w/ fruit and a carb of some sort with water in a sippy cup. 
9:15-10:45 (nap in crib)
11:00 (snack)-  Water in a sippy with either Cherrios, cheese, PB crackers, or protein bar. 
11:15- 12:00 (play)
12:00 pm (lunch) Formula in sippy cup with 1 meat, fruit, and veggie.
1:00- 3:30/4 (nap in crib)
3:00 (snack) - Water in sippy cup, same options from above or a fruit/veggie squeeze pack.
3:15- 4:00 (play)
4:00 (dinner) similar to lunch options with formula in sippy cup. 
4:30- 6:50 (play)
7:00 (bath) 
7:30 (eat 8 oz)
8:00 pm (sleep for the night)



{Birthday Breakfast}