Thursday, November 23, 2017

Thanksgiving 2017

Happy Thanksgiving! This year we celebrated turkey day at our home again with both sides of the family to share in some delicious food. 

Sunday, November 19, 2017

13-15 Months of Life!

Height + Weight:  You are  (25% percentile for both)

Milestones: You dropped your morning nap at 13 months old. You started to wean yourself out of it by showing these signs: falling asleep with only 15-30 mins left in the actual nap, second nap times were all over the place in terms of you waking up. So you now nap from 1:00- 4:00 pm.  You went to the church nursery on October 15 for the first time. You can say: "Mama, Dada, and make a ton of basic farm animal noises".

Likes:  You go to the Milton library on Tuesdays for children reading time. You are not good at sitting down and listening for long periods of time, but you love running around the library and exploring all the books. You love books so much that you constantly grab new ones and bring them to us and sit in our lap. You love to brush your teeth and do it yourself without anyone helping you. 

Dislikes: You dislike being told what to do and are very strong-willed. You actually had your first official injury when you ran into the barstool after falling and had the biggest "goose egg" on your forehead. You don't like waiting on anything and throw pretty good tantrums for your age/ size.  Not a fan of ground beef, mashed potatoes or asian food. 

Fun Stuff & Firsts:  Music class with Ms. Beth on Thursdays. You were super shy at first and wouldn't let me put you down the entire class. Now you dance, play interments, and are very interested in the other kids.  You had your silhouette done right before you turned 15 months old at a children's boutique in Buckhead. Lastly, you went to the Alpharetta farmer's market several Saturdays through the summer and early fall, and you had your first official snow on December 8. 

Baby food(s): You are still taking your morning and night bottle, but now taking whole milk and you LOVE it. It took about a week to transition, but we followed the MOC method to transition. However, the pediatrician told us at your 15 mo. well check up that you need to be weaned from the bottle by 18 mo.   The sad thing is that you actually love your bottle and cry with excitement when you see it before you go to bed. You are pretty much eating anything and everything that I am eating. I eat all three meals with you and have what I am having but cut up into small pieces. You love your classics: chicken, toast, green veggies, pitted prunes, any kind of fruit, especially: strawberries, watermelon, clementines and pears. 

A normal day looks like this:
7:40'ish am (wake and eat 6 oz whole milk in bottle)
9:00 (breakfast)- Scrambled eggs, fruit, toast or chocolate chip pancake &  water in sippy. 
10:00 (snack)-  Water in a sippy with fruit or some sort of cracker. 
12:00 pm (lunch) whole milk in sippy cup with protein, fruit, and veggie.
1:00- 4:00 (nap in crib)
4:00 (snack) - Water in sippy cup, same options from above or a fruit/veggie squeeze pack.
5:00-6:00 (dinner) similar to lunch options with whole milk in sippy cup. 
7:15 (bath) 
7:30 (eat 8 oz of whole milk, brush teeth, and read books).
8:00 pm (sleep for the night; however, it usually take you an hour to fall asleep.) * but we don't go back in to settle you down- you know how to this in your own time.