Friday, August 26, 2016

1 Week Old, Harper Lorraine

Happy 1 week of life, Harper Lorraine.

Wow! What a rollercoaster of emotions this week has had on us. I have never been so nervous, in love, or exhausted in my life, but I wouldn't have changed it for anything.  This week has been very busy as you had your first outing since the hospital as your dad and I went to your 1 week check up at Roswell Pediatrics on Monday, August 22 with Dr. Catherine Bowman who was the same doctor that checked on you at the hospital.  You were so sweet and never cried. You went back up in weight to 7 lbs. 1 oz and height of 19.5 inches long. That following Sunday, August 28 at 11:30 a.m you had your newborn pictures taken by a great friend, Nicole Wood, who took the pictures in the comfort of our home. You were so sweet and posed perfectly for the camera, which was very much appreciated as I couldn't wait to document your first week of life in many precious outfits! 

This was our first night home. We were so nervous and didn't know what to think, but we were so in love with you and your new personality.


The place you sleep the best and cry the least is when you are resting on my chest. You warm me up so much both physically and emotionally as I love hearing you breath.

{ Your due date pictures- taken on August 24, 2016}

{ You were exactly 1 week old}

One of my favorite things about you is the sweet little noise you make when you are make this sweet little squeak that makes everyone smile. I even call you my little squeaky toy.  

I have just fallen in love with this face that you make when you're tired! Almost every time I wake you, you take a big stretch, arch you back, and make a little duck face.

{Your precious modeling poses as you sleep}

{Your first bath} 

Your furry sister has been a little nervous around you, but she is so curious when you make any noise and always lies outside your nursery while you nurse.

Happy one week of life! Your dad and I love you so very much!

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