Thursday, January 19, 2017

5 Months of Life!

Height + Weight: Not too sure you actual weight but your legs are getting much longer :)

Milestones: December 20, 2016 was the first night in which you rolled over and slept on your belly all night and have continued to do that every night since. 

Likes: Since you are rolling around like crazy in your crib, I broke down and bought you bumpers since you kept hitting your little head and getting your legs caught in the rails.  Now that the bumpers are up, you find them very comforting and scoot over to them and fall asleep nestled against them. Even though you were still struggling with eating, your dad suggested that we move to a fast flow nipple, the bottle company suggests this flow for 7 months old babies, but we did it and you loved it! You 100% notice Addie. You watch her walk around you and look for her when I take you out of the crib first thing in the morning, and you giggle so much when she walks near you. You are still very bashful when you get attention from anyone. As I hold you, you smile and turn your head into my chest and smile, which is still the cutest reaction. You found your bottom lip and love to suck it in, which in tun has you making crazy sounds and clicks. Lastly, you are now responding to positive reenforcement. If I smile and say positive  things to you after you've done something or anything, you now know you've done well and smile! 

Dislikes: You still don't like being made to wait for anything. If thats being hungry, wanting to get out of the crib or wanting to bounce, you don't like waiting. Since you are sleeping on your belly, you've had several accidents in the middle of the night and woken with a wet crib.  I use to buy Pampers Swaddlers - used that brand all the time until I bought the Costco Kirkland brand that I love, but I now put you in Huggies at night. So far it has solved the wet crib problem. 

Fun Stuff & Firsts: You experienced your first Christmas. Even though your Mama and Dad were very sick, we enjoyed every moment watching you experience the new found love for holidays. This winter season hasn't been the most predictable, but you were able to experience a "snow" day. 
The weather channel was predicting a huge snow storm, but we only ended up getting a half of an inch at most. Either way, we dressed you in your adorable, bear snow suit. Lastly,  you tired your first fruit on1/19. We gave you pears and were a little unsure and didn't seem to like them too much. 

A normal day looks like this:

7-7:30 a.m. (wake and eat 5-6 oz)* you naturally started sleeping past 7:00 am. (between 4-5 months), so I decided to push back the wake up time and the entire schedule by 30 minutes. Even though it is only 30 mins, those 30 minutes made me feel human again. 
8-9 (play)
9-10:30 (nap in crib)
10:30 (wake and eat 5oz)
11-12 (play)
12-1:30 p.m. (nap in crib)
1:30 (wake and eat 5oz)
2-3 (play)
3-4:30 (nap in crib)
4:30 (wake and eat 5oz)
5-7 (play)
7- bath
7:30 (eat 5-6 oz)
8:00pm (sleep)

{Christmas Card- Front}

{Your sweet stocking from Grammy & Pop}


{You & Nana}

{Your first "snow" day}

{Tired faces from the snow}

{Warm weather a week after the snow storm}


{Your favorite toy, Holly Jolly}

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