Wednesday, May 11, 2016

25 Weeks Pregnant & Caroline's Kitchen Shower

This past week I celebrated both 25 weeks of pregnancy on Wednesday and Caroline's last bridal shower on Sunday. I have felt really well these past few weeks and just counting down the days until school is out for summer. On another note, Caroline's kitchen shower on Sunday was such a sweet way for all of her bridesmaids to wish her well and gave such a beautiful send off. 

Week 25: May 11, 2016
Baby Size: rutabaga and weighing around 1 1/2 lbs. 
Symptoms: Becoming a little more tired and slight back pain if I sit too long.
Baby movements: I have been feeling our little girl move much more than before. She is usually the most active at night between the hours or 9:00- 10:00 p.m. or when I've been sitting for a longer period of time. The biggest movement so far was when Richard and I were sitting on the couch watching Walking Dead (how appropriate), and I felt her circle around on the right side of my stomach. I figured she would stop moving when I told Richard to feel the movement, but she made a big movement that was very firm, almost like her foot or head moved on his hand.  
Maternity clothing: I have bought a few pieces, but I'm still not wearing any yet. I have been mainly buying and wearing shift dresses.
Cravings: Still wanting sweets like crazy but trying to limit the amount since I have my glucose test at my next appointment ( nervous about that). 
Missing: deli sandwiches. 

{Side note: thanks for the pictures, Bree}

{the wonderful hostess and future bride-to-be}

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