Wednesday, July 13, 2016

34 going on 35 Weeks Pregnant

Week 34-35: July 13-20, 2016

Baby Size: Savoy Cabbage weighing around 5 lbs. 
Symptoms: I feel like it is all coming home now as reality has set in. I have major upper rib pain on the right side anytime I sit, major back nerve pain that radiates down my left side to the point I have to stop walking, can't sleep, and lower stomach pain when I walk too far. My goodness! I sound like the worst complainer but pregnancy has really changed over the past few weeks. 
Baby movements: Little Harper is moving a ton, but the movements have changed. Instead of random kicks, I feel full body movements like she is swimming/ turning sides. 
Maternity clothing: Wearing a mix of loose fitting dresses that are flattering to the stomach. 
Cravings: Still wanting sweets like crazy but trying to limit the amount, but I can never say no to a Wendy's chocolate frosty.  
Missing: deli sandwiches and spicy tuna rolls.

This pregnancy is starting to feel much more real as the baby room is slowly coming together and big items like the stroller and car seat have been purchased by my mom and MIL(mother-in-law). Richard and I just did a hospital tour this week to make sure we were aware of what to do the day that little Harper makes her debut. The other interesting thing about being pregnant at this point is that people are very nice. I always get to enter the bathroom first if there is a line. ask if I need any help, and people say, "Congratulations!", but I also get a lot WEIRD advice from people...oh, the advice! 

{One of the many perks is that Addie loves to around me and always has her head on my stomach. We both know she'll miss these quiet moments as we are home alone.}

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