Wednesday, April 19, 2017

8 Months of Life!

Height + Weight:  Not sure but you have quickly outgrown most of your shoes and clothes these past few weeks. 

On March 21, you started crawling for the first time! Your biggest motivation was the tv changer. However, you finally learned to sit up on your own without any help on April 1st! You also learned how to wave high and bye with a little coaching. You also met the Easter Bunny for the first time at the Avalon and didn't cry and wanted to touch his nose. You were so sweet and looked adorable in your dress and little pink shoes! 

Likes: You love when I play music while we our outside in the late afternoons. However, you do get a little confused as to where the music is coming from when it starts playing. One of your favorite activities is going for walks at Wills Park as you see new people and faces smiling back at you.  You have a true passion and love for all types of snacks, especially Cheerios, Puffs, yogurt melts, or anything else that catches your eye. Once you see it, you immediately reach right out for them.  Th best is when you get really excited and you snort/ scrunch your nose up and laugh super loud. It is by far one of our favorite things that you do! Lastly, you love to be on the move! Anytime I put you down, you want to get to the next object as quickly as possible!

Dislikes: Your biggest dislike is the time period between bath and feeding. The moment we take you out of the bathtub, dry you off, and put you into your pjs,  you immediately start acting like a bucking Bronco. You cry and get so upset until you get your hands on that bottle. 

Fun Stuff & Firsts:  This month seemed to have many firsts as the weather warmed up and we saw you become such a big girl so quickly! With summer and pool season being right around the corner, we signed you up for your first swim lesson this month at Atlanta Swim Academy in East Cobb. Your swim teacher was Miss. Lindy, and you joined the Shrimps group, which was just too cute!!!!  You absolutely loved the entire experience from the moment we walked into the pool area! You went every Thursday for two months and never got upset or nervous with any of the pool activities. One of the hardest firsts for us is when we left you the first time over night as we went to the Highlands, NC from March 24-26. We are very happy to report that you did amazing! One of you other biggest firsts for us was when you were able to sit for the first time in a restaurant high chair. It was so nice to have you be able to interact with us and see you enjoy dinner as a family.
 You also made a big jump in independence as you now sit in the grocery cart like a big girl at all the stores.

Baby food(s):
I have really stopped documenting what foods I've been giving you as we have been moving through them so quickly. I still only try new foods in the morning incase you do have a reaction. You are slowly becoming a better eater , but you still don't like anything with too much texture as it makes you gag.

A normal day looks like this:
7:30 am (wake and eat 7 oz)
8-8:30 (play)
8:30 (baby food)- 1 TBL. baby oatmeal mixed with baby yogurt and Cheerios so you have something to touch and put in your mouth yourself.   
9-10:30 (nap in crib)
11:00 (eat 6 oz)
11:15- 12:00 (play)
12:00 pm (baby food) Mixture of veggies and fruits and always some sort of finger foods
12:30- 2:30 (nap in crib)
3:00 (eat 6oz) 
3:15- 4:00 (play)
4:00 (baby food) Mixture of fruits and veggies- biggest meal of the day
4:15- 5:00 (play)
5:00-5:30 (cat nap)- You are slowly dropping this nap yourself as your hardly have it. 
5:30- 7:00 (play)
7:00 (bath) 
7:30 (eat 8 oz)
8:00 pm (sleep for the night)

{Easter morning with your great, grandmother's basket}

{Your many faces}

{Your Easter bunny goodies}

{You loved the bunny ears}

{Breakfast after church with Gigi}

{1st swing at Will's Park} 

{1st swim lessons at Atlanta Swim Academy}



{First official time sitting up}

{You love Aunt Caroline}

{Visit with the Easter Bunny at the Avalon}


{Date night with Aunt Ashley}

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