Friday, May 19, 2017

9 Months of Life!

Height + Weight:  28" long (75th percentile)  and 17.1 lbs (25th percentile)

Milestones:  You have made so many jumps this month with milestones that it is hard to keep up with you these days. You are crawling much faster, you know how to use your hands when you fall to catch yourself, you learned to pull up on your own the first week of April, and you also learned how to clap your hands when we say, "yay or good job!" 


You love to crawl around the house and explore as much as possible, which is why we bought the big baby ring that keeps you inside but also is helping you pull up. You have officially found Addie's food and water bowl and many other things across the house.  You love to stick out your tongue and lick your lips as this is a fun, new way to make yourself laugh. You have also found how to shake your head no and do it all the time, especially if we ask you a question.  You love to make really loud noises and fake cough when you have our complete attention. Lastly, you let Addie lick your hands when you eat from your highchair and drop food for her too . 


You dislike sitting still or waiting for anything as you are a very impatient little girl. You actually tightened up, squeezed your fists and got upset when we didn't give you chicken quick enough while we were at Mexican eating dinner. 

Fun Stuff & Firsts:  

You went to your first party to celebrate Blake Baker's 1st birthday.  You said the word "Mama" on May 1st and said it several times since then, but I am still not too sure you know what it means. We had to completely move down your crib to the lowest setting as you stand up in there and play around. You have also been wearing a size 3 diaper this month as you are getting a little bigger. 

Baby food(s):
Right now you have three regular meals a day and 4 bottles, but you would much rather snack then sit down an eat a meal.  You also tried Nutella and rice cakes this month and love them both. 

I still have this inner battle of how much I should allow you to have of "real" people food as choking is extremely scary! Most of all your meals are still extremely pureed baby food that is accompanied with small, shredded, or mashed regular food like chicken, eggs, pancakes, ect.  

A normal day looks like this:
7:30 am (wake and eat 6 oz)
8-8:30 (play)
8:30 (baby food)- 1 TBL. baby oatmeal mixed with baby yogurt. 
9-10:30 (nap in crib)
11:00 (eat 6 oz)
11:15- 12:00 (play)
12:00 pm (baby food) Mixture of veggies and fruits with some sort of finger foods.
12:30- 2:30 (nap in crib)
3:00 (eat 6oz) 
3:15- 4:00 (play)
4:00 (baby food) Mixture of fruits and veggies- biggest meal of the day.
4:30- 6:50 (play)
7:00 (bath) 
7:30 (eat 8 oz)
8:00 pm (sleep for the night)

{Leaving for Blake's 1st Birthday party}

{You love to play}

{AND.You love your toy bin!}


{Fun times with Aunt Caroline}

{When you learned how to pull-up in your crib}

{Brunch date at Emily's house with your friend, Blake}

{Enjoying time with Pop}

{Mother's Day walk on Roswell's new boardwalk}

{9 month doctor's check up}

{Our sweet lunch date}

{All smiles after your nap}

{Fun times at the Avalon}

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