Monday, May 29, 2017

Half Marathon Race

2017 Georgia Peach Jam Half at Big Creek Greenway Half Marathon Race

Dirty Spokes- finishes #10 for my age group 30-34 with an end time of 2:06:58.8

I followed Hal Higdon's Half Marathon training plan; however, I didn't follow it exactly the same way he had designed it. Since Harper was still little and didn't feel taking her to the gym was appropriate or in the Bob stroller ( I did towards the end of training- she was on the smaller side), I had to rely on the grandmothers help during the mid-week and Richard on Saturday mornings for my long runs. 

This is what my training looked like: 

WEEK           MON          TUE           WED             THU          FRI          SAT            SUN        
1                     3 m run Walk          3 m run         Rest          Walk         4 m run       Rest
2                     3 m run Walk           3 m run         Rest          Walk         4 m run       Rest
3                    3.5 m run Walk           3.5 m run      Rest          Walk         5 m run       Rest 
4                     3.5 m run Walk           3.5 m run      Rest Walk 5 m run       Rest
5                     4 m run Walk           4 m run         Rest Walk 6 m run       Rest
6                     4 m run Walk           4 m run         Rest Rest 5-K Race     Rest
7                     4.5 m run Walk           4.5 m run   Rest Walk 7 m run       Rest 
8                     4.5 m run Walk           4.5 m run      Rest Walk 8 m run       Rest 
9                     5 m run Walk           5 m run         Rest           Rest         10-K Race  Rest
10                   5 m run Walk           5 m run         Rest Walk 9 m run      Rest
11                   5 m run Walk           5 m run        Rest Walk 11 m run     Rest
12                   4 m run Walk          2 m run         Rest Walk 5 K run Rest
13                  Half Marathon Race

Personal records from the training:
5K-  25:17

Tips for my future self if I attempt this again:
1. Do all the midweek runs (they really helped me push myself with distance and speed.
2. Use your GPS watch to help track pacing outside- push you to stay above your normal pace.
2. I always would drink Nuun Active Tablets 30 mins before a long run as well as eat half a bagel with peanut butter.
3. I would always run with my Nathan water bottle for runs over 6 miles.
4. Lastly, I would take the GU Energy gels anytime I ran over 7 miles. During the actual race, I took it right before a water station at mile 6. 

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