Wednesday, July 19, 2017

11 Months of Life!


Height + Weight:  This is your last month of not knowing your weight or height.

Milestones: This month feels like a big month of milestones! You have a total of 5 teeth (two bottom, two top, and one top left). You have learned how to walk with your push walker and can stand for several seconds on your own without falling down. The biggest is that you have taken 1-2 steps on your own. 

Likes: You LOVE to give kisses and we love to receive them! You come in with a big, open mouth and laugh immediately after giving the best kisses.  You love to dance (bouncing up and down while holding onto furniture).  You love ridding in the BOB stroller as well as wiping the sweat off me when I pick you up (so gross). You love all your toys and laugh so hard when we ask to see them as you pull them close to you. You do a great bear crawl as our sisal rugs itch your legs.  You learned how to click your tongue on the top of your mouth and like when we repeat the noise back to you. Lastly, you love to wave hello, good-bye and know how to say "woof- woof" when I ask you what a puppy says. 

Dislikes: You very much dislike being held down to put on clothes or diapers, but also dislike being put into your car seat now. 

Fun Stuff & Firsts:  You celebrated your last big holiday of the year, the 4th of July! We had a fun family gathering at our home as we ate fried chicken and yummy sides. You finally have had a couple pool days this month as this summer has been extremely rainy. A funny first was when you sipped out of a straw for the first time at Slopes BBQ on 6/24 (unsweet tea).  Lastly, you went on your first Nordstrom Anniversary sale with Ashley and me. 

Baby food(s): You no longer eat true baby food. You very much dislike being "fed" by a spoon and would rather feed yourself. You still get snacks and enjoy your "sippy" filled with cold water throughout the day. Your favorite foods are: Pulled pork BBQ, green beans, hotdogs, hummus, and white- American cheese. You are not that big of a fan of cold fruit as it might be a little too tart for your liking. 

A normal day looks like this:
7:30 am (wake and eat 6 oz)
8-8:30 (play)
8:30 (breakfast)- 1 of the following: scrambled eggs, pancakes, french toast with fresh fruit.
9-10:30 (nap in crib)
11:00 (eat 6 oz)
11:15- 12:00 (play)
12:00 pm (lunch) 1 meat: shredded chicken, bbq, or hotdog with cheese, fruit, and veggies. 
12:30- 2:30 (nap in crib)
3:00 (eat 6oz) 
3:15- 4:00 (play)
4:00 (dinner) similar to lunch options.
4:30- 6:50 (play)
7:00 (bath) 
7:30 (eat 8 oz)
8:00 pm (sleep for the night)


{Happy 4th of July!}

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