Monday, June 19, 2017

10 Months of Life!

Height + Weight:  Not sure but you look taller this month. 

Milestones:  You cut your two front (top) teeth the week we were in New England, but they don't seem to bother you at all. Now you have 4 teeth! You also had your first curl this month in your hair. It is so sweet and is quickly turning into several curls! Lastly, y
ou climbed the stairs by yourself (both mom and dad above and behind you), but you did this on 5/26. 

Likes: You love to drink water out of your sippy cup. You have been using them for the past 4 months, but as the weather has become so hot, you have begun to take big drinks and much more frequently.  When you are playing and get excited, you love to clap your hands and have the biggest smile. Now that you are much more mobile and can support yourself, y
ou love bath time and to kick your feet in the water. We have removed you from your blow up tub, and you are now sitting in the big tub with all your toys.  Lastly, your legs have become much stronger which has helped you move so quickly in your Joovy walker. You "run" all around the house and loved to be chased by us (those giggles are the best)! 

You very much dislike getting your nails cut or filed. It never really bothered you too much in the past, but I now have to "sit" on you to keep you from turning over and kicking me off you.  

Fun Stuff & Firsts:  You have become extremely expressive this month. When you are excited and happy, you love to smile, laugh and give kisses! You give kisses to your pink Harrods bear and to both mom and dad ( my favorite)! But when you are upset, you let us know by squeezing your fists and pointing your toes.  
You are very much a dominate personality and strong willed baby, which has me so excited to see what's ahead. 

Baby food(s):

You are still having three regular meals a day and 4 bottles, but you would much rather snack then sit down an eat a meal. 

A normal day looks like this:
7:30 am (wake and eat 6 oz)
8-8:30 (play)
8:30 (baby food)- 1 TBL. baby oatmeal mixed with baby yogurt with pancakes Nutella. 
9-10:30 (nap in crib)
11:00 (eat 6 oz)
11:15- 12:00 (play)
12:00 pm (baby food) Mixture of veggies and fruits with some sort of finger foods.
12:30- 2:30 (nap in crib)
3:00 (eat 6oz) 
3:15- 4:00 (play)
4:00 (baby food) Mixture of fruits and veggies- biggest meal of the day.
4:30- 6:50 (play)
7:00 (bath) 
7:30 (eat 8 oz)
8:00 pm (sleep for the night)

{Happy Father's Day, Dads!}



{You LOVE spaghetti!}




{Race day!}

{Your 1st curl}

{Lunch with Dad}

{You LOVE your new swing}


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