Tuesday, November 15, 2016

2 Months of Life!

Harper Lorraine Bentley, 
I hope your second month of life was as special to you as it was to us. We couldn't be happier that you are a happy, healthy, and thriving little girl. In just two short months you have grown so much and have developed more personality then we ever imagined! We love watching you grow and cannot wait to see what is in store for all of us in the upcoming months. We pray that each month continues to bless us all and that God keeps you safe.  

Height + Weight: 22.2"/ 11 lbs. 1 oz. (50th percentile).  

Milestones: Harper, you have moved to size 1 diapers this month and quickly outgrown all your newborn clothing.  You have developed many new skills like making great eye contact with everyone that you see. You are able to stand with assistance and hold up your own head. 

Likes: More then anything, you LOVE your tongue, and we love watching you stick it out to try and lick you hands and arms. You love to lie on flat surfaces like: changing tables, play mat and beds, which activates your chatty personality. I'm not sure what you are saying, but we love listening to you regardless. The BEST moments are when you smile, which happens all the time. I am brought to tears when those adorable, gummy smiles are unprompted. The most important smiles are given when you are upset towards the end of the day and you dad walks in from work.  You see him for the first time and your eyes get super big and great him with the biggest smile of the day. It melts our hearts. You also love your Wubbanubs out of all your pacifiers and now enjoy your jungle mat. Even though you love to smile and laugh, you do have a shy side and get embarrassed when we say, " I love you!" You smile very big but turn your head slightly and raise your shoulders. Harper, you still have the bluest eyes and the longest eye lashes, as well as sneeze in fives and hiccup a ton. 

Dislikes: You are still a VERY difficult eater by eating very slowly, pausing for several minutes at a time, and letting it drip out of your mouth. You do not like afternoon naps, and you still dislike being made to wait a max of 5 seconds for food when you are hungry. It is amazing how quickly your cries and crocodile tears appear at that very moment. 

Fun Stuff & Firsts: This past month you visited your first pumpkin patch, the Berry Pumpkin Patch Farm with Aunt Ashley and Uncle Cole. We took many pictures, tried pumpkin ice-cream, and loved watching you in your adorable denim jumpsuit and leather moccasins.  You also met Katie Caruso and saw Carol Strezlecki when they came to visit you.



{First day of October was spent at the Chattahoochee River in Roswell}


{Two month check up}

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