Saturday, November 19, 2016

3 Months of Life!

Harper Lorraine Bentley, 
I hope your third month of life was as special to you as it was to us. You continue to change before our very eyes and brighten each day with your adorable gummy smile.  Life with you is so precious with you in it, and we feel so blessed to be your parents.  We continue to pray that each month continues to bless us all and that God keeps you safe.  

Height + Weight: Not too sure since you do not have a doctor's appointment until 4 months, but you are growing and eating much more then before. 

Milestones: Harper, you were baptized on Sunday, November 6, 2016 at the same church where your dad was baptized and your mom and dad were married. It was such a special moment in our lives as we watched you become one with God and become part of Saint Martin in the Field's Episcopal Church. 

Likes: This past month you have found your cough. You LOVE to fake cough all the time and smile and laugh after you do it. Not intentionally but you love TV shows like the Ellen show, but you also like football since it has been on all fall.  Most importantly you have been enjoying your jungle mat as you swat at the toys dangling. You also have found your hands and your mouth, which lead to you always playing with you hands like you're praying and always putting new objects in your mouth. You love looking in a mirror but only big ones as you can see your entire body.  

Dislikes: You very much dislike your swaddle and are breaking out of it all the time, which in turn wakes you up and makes for a long night. However, we have been slowly transitioning you out by swaddling you in the Halo sleep sack where you can keep your arms out to self sooth. Hopefully soon enough you will be sleeping on your own.  During the day you love going outside, but as it begins to cool off and become windy, you very much dislike when the wing blows too strongly and takes your breath away. You gasp for air, lift your arms up and close your eyes until it passes. Lastly, you do not seem to fond of naps and always wake up 30-45 minutes into each one. 

Fun Stuff & Firsts: You had many firsts this month as you experienced your first holiday, Halloween. We didn't dress you up, but you posed for the sweetest, little picture for me in your Halloween pajamas. Most people don't assume jumping from Halloween to Christmas, but with the ever so popular Phipps Plaza Santa Clause, you met him on November 3, 2016,  as that was the only time slot we were given. However, you did such a great job and took the best picture with him. Quickly after meeting Santa, you helped me vote for our new President- elect, Donald Trump. You were extremely fussy through the entire process, but I was able to submit the ballot.  A personal first done by you was when you rolled from your back to your belly twice was on Sunday, 11/13.  Then, you met Emily Edwards, my dear friend for the first time at our house as she brought us many treats. Lastly, your dad and I swear you said the word, "Okay" after your dad said it to you on the changing table. It was so clear and truly believe that was your "first word"!!!

{A little behind the lens with my helpers}

{She's getting so BIG!!!}

{Tired from celebrating momma's 30th birthday}


{Our little girl in her momma's baptismal gown from when she was baptized 30 years ago}

{My sweet sister came over to our home to take pictures for our Christmas card this year}

{My sleeping baby}



{Happy Halloween from our sweetest lil' treat}


{She saw Santa pretty early this year, but that's because she on the nice list!} 

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