Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Happy 4th of July

Happy 4th of July, America!
I always look forward to the Fourth because to me it encompass summer to the fullest since it is filled with food, family, and fireworks. This year was a little different because Richard and I ran the Peachtree Road Race for the first time and was our first 10K as well. Richard is a MUCH better runner than I could ever train to be; however, we both trained everyday by running a great trail at Wills Park to get us use to the humidity, but the best part- it wasn't a normal morning; it was perfect with a little chill in the air. Richard did wonderful by being the second group to start since he was in the B group and I was in K- (running 45 minutes after he started). Richard ended up with a great time of 50 minutes and I came in with a solid 1:04 minutes :) Even though I would have liked to done better, it was a great experience!

After the race, we headed over to my parent's house for a cookout, which is always a great time to spend with family.

{My mom and John}

{Brotherly love}

{Bentley picture}

{The cute couple}

{Our little Shelby}

{our attempt of a family picture}

{A little Frisbee action with the guys}

{Our precious Addie}

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